PHOTOS The Barbees: Anna, Tommy, Cody, Brent, and Dana Cody in charge Honey Freeze event 2017 Burning barrels to try and save peaches from freeze Freeze protection for strawberries Fall pumpkins Cody helps pack potatoes So proud of these guys! Brent and Cody Barbee, October 2015 Wonderful day gleaning with the Society of Saint Andrews Gleaning Network! Strawberries for Spring 2016 Ice Event – February 2015 Pumpkin Harvest 2014 Cody enjoys blueberries! Davidson Farmers’ Market 2014 Cody picks out ripe cantaloupe! Cody Orchard-Summer 2014 Squash & Zucchini Cherokee Purple Strawberries Asparagus Broccoli Harvest Cauliflower Greenhouse Cucumbers Tommy | 2013 Know Your Farms tour Beets Bok Choi Peach Orchard Arugula The Barbees: Anna, Tommy, Brent & Dana Greenhouse Production 2014 Greenhouse Production Cabbage Cantaloupes Sweet Corn Grape Tomatoes Peppers Spring Strawberries 2016 Share this:EmailLike this:Like Loading...